Open to work

Update: As of June 2023, I’m happily employed at The Co-operative Bank.

I posted this message on LinkedIn and I think it’s worth posting here too, should folks be interested in working with me.

After nine and a half years at Xero, I’ve decided it’s time for a change. My last day will be at the end of this month, and I’m excited to explore new opportunities in the software development world.

I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished during my time there. I was fortunate enough to work with several great development teams and contribute to the development of many useful features. I helped with Xero’s migration to AWS, which enabled us to grow to over 3 million customers. I participated in countless interviews and it was my pleasure to say says to dozens of fantastic developers, team leads, and products owners who became friends and mentors.

I loved working with our designers, product managers, and CX team too. A highlight was winning the XPLORE hackathon twice by assembling a crack team, working through the CX team’s list of bugs and shipping the fixes.

The thing I will look back on most fondly were the opportunities I was given to help grow and develop our engineers and leaders. The work to rebuild the Grad Programme delivery team with talented folks from around Xero and beyond and then successfully rebooting the learning program to award-winning acclaim is a career highlight I’ll never stop talking about.

As I look for my next big role, I’m going to be a bit picky. I’m eager to work in the problem spaces that I enjoy, which include product startups, big hairy software upgrades and migrations, and engineering culture development. If you know of any opportunities in those areas, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

Joe Mahoney's Picture

About Joe Mahoney

Joe is a software engineering leader, programmer, surf life guard, and runner who writes about and curates links covering links covering software engineering and management, career growth, continuous improvement, creativity, and productivity.

Wellington, New Zealand