Monday Links 26

🚀 NZ Tech Rally is a new developer community founded by Wellington-based developers, including fellow Xero Prae Songprasit. Their first event is in-person conference centrered around software engineering being held in early July. The theme is What does great software engineering culture look like, and how have kiwis done it?.

I’ve had a small glimpse into the work involved to get the conference off the ground and my hat is off to the team. It’s going to be great. I’ve purchased my early bird ticket and I’m looking forward to talks by Adam Howard, Jenny Sangh, and Katrina Clokie.

🏛️ Work-life balance looks different at the White House

You can find a reason to stay at work all night, every night here. There is always going to be something to do. You are never going to clear out your inbox. You are never going to return every phone call. You are never going to read every paper that you could. Ultimately if you do that, you’ll be worse at your job.

This short article reminded me about the key lessons of Four Thousand Hours and Getting Things Done: there is too much to do, so knowing what you can not do, and actually not doing it, is really important.

🛤️ What is the difference between Turbo and Stimulus, and what exactly is Hotwire? Every year or so I try to get a taste of the latest Ruby on Rails stack. This year I’ve come across a lot of new front-end focused stuff in Rails. This blog post succinctly describes the philosophy and mechanics behind the new tooling.

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About Joe Mahoney

Joe is a software engineering leader, programmer, surf life guard, and runner who writes about and curates links covering links covering software engineering and management, career growth, continuous improvement, creativity, and productivity.

Wellington, New Zealand