The Magnitude 9.1 Meltdown at Fukushima by Nickolas Means

It’s about time I shared another great Nickolas Means talk. This one is from RubyConf 2022 and covers what happened at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power facility after the 9.2 earthquake and subsequent tsunamis that struck Japan in 2011.

As usual Nickolas Means tells a dramatic story with fascinating characters and just the right amount of technical detail. Then he dives into what we can learn as software engineers and managers. This particular talk is especially useful for leaders, with very clear illustrations of what to do and what not to do when faced with the worst case scenario.

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About Joe Mahoney

Joe is a software engineering leader, programmer, surf life guard, and runner who writes about and curates links covering links covering software engineering and management, career growth, continuous improvement, creativity, and productivity.

Wellington, New Zealand