Double Fine PsychOdyssey

A new playlist appeared on Double Fine’s YouTube channel recently: all 30+ episodes documenting seven years of work to make Psychonauts 2. The documentary is called PsychOdyssey

I’m only a couple of episodes in, and it already has all the vibes of Double Fine Adventure, a documentay I watch every 18 months or so.

Here’s the blurb:

2 Player Productions and Double Fine Productions present Double Fine PsychOdyssey, an unprecedented documentary experience seven years in the making.

Ten years after the release of their flagship video game Psychonauts, Double Fine Productions returns to its most celebrated franchise with Psychonauts 2. Now facing the pressure to produce a worthy sequel, the studio must confront overly ambitious designs, poor morale, technical challenges and financial woes, all during a turbulent span of time for the world.

Double Fine PsychOdyssey is the direct continuation of the acclaimed series Double Fine Adventure, and offers even deeper insight into the passion, humor, and heartbreak of video game development.

Here’s the first episode, recapping the making and reception of the original Psychonauts

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About Joe Mahoney

Joe is a software engineering leader, programmer, surf life guard, and runner who writes about and curates links covering links covering software engineering and management, career growth, continuous improvement, creativity, and productivity.

Wellington, New Zealand